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ACTION ALERT: Last Chance to Stop the $22M COVID DATABASE Federal Grant

Ken Eyring

Updated: Nov 19, 2021

The NH Executive Council (EC) rejected a $22M federal grant with a 4-1 vote on October 13, 2021. The purpose of the grant was to implement a federal program to track and manage the COVID-19 vaccine status of every NH resident.

The grant money is for a statewide database that will be managed by NH under the direction of the federal HHS (see contract language below). The collected data will be used by NH to implement the state's COVID-19 vaccine management system. The data will also be shared with the federal government (see contract language below) and combined with the data from every other state, thereby creating a national COVID-19 vaccine tracking database.

Governor Sununu was not happy with the EC vote, so he pressured the Councilors to reverse their decision with another vote that was unannounced to the public beforehand. It's unacceptable.


There is one more chance to stop the funding of this massive federal overreach. The Joint Fiscal Committee Members have the authority to reject the federal money.

Please call or email each committee member and request they stop the funding of this massive federal overreach.

If you would like to understand what has taken place and why this issue is important... details are provided below the contact list.

Fiscal Committee Members


Senate President Chuck Morse (R): 603.271-2111,

Shannon Girard (Senate President Assistant):

Senator Bob Giuda (R): 603.271.3042,

Senator Gary Daniels (R): 603.271.4980,

Senator Lou D'Allesandro (D): 603.271.2117,

Senator Cindy Rosenwald (D): 603.271.3207,


Chair Representative Karen Umberger (R): 603.356.6881,

Representative Jess Edwards (R) 603.370.7885,

Representative Keith Erf (R) 603.529.2512,

Representative Tracy Emerick (R) 603.498.6002,

Representative Peter Leishman (D) 603.924.0004


Representative Bob Lynn (R) 603.598.1899,

Representative Joseph Pitre (R) 603.755.2447,

Representative Mary Jane Wallner (D) 603.225.5249

While you are at it, you might want to respectfully let Governor Sununu know how you feel about his inability to protect NH's interests from federal control.


Another way that you can help is by attending the Joint Fiscal Committee meeting THIS FRIDAY (11/19/21) in Room 210-211 at 10am in the Legislative Office Building (LOB), located at 33 N State St, Concord.

Your QUIET AND RESPECTFUL presence is essential to emphasize the importance that the Committee reject the funding.


If implemented, the vaccine status program will usurp NH's sovereignty regarding how our state manages Covid-19. Additionally, final decision making authority will be delegated to the federal government. Apparently Governor Sununu hasn't read the grant contract, because he continues to claim there are "no strings attached" to it.

But that is simply not true. Page 17 of the grant contract mandates that NH must "comply with existing and/or future directives" from the federal HHS Secretary "regarding control of the spread of COVID-19." The types of "controls" include "the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation."

1) comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19;
2) in consultation and coordination with HHS, provide, commensurate with the condition of the individual, COVID-19 patient care regardless of the individual's home jurisdiction and/or appropriate public health measures (e.g., social distancing, home isolation); and
3) assist the United States Government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation.
Recipient will comply with Section 18115 of the CARES Act, with respect to the reporting to the HHS Secretary of results of tests intended to detect SARS- CoV-2 or to diagnose a possible case of COVID-19. Such reporting shall be in accordance with guidance and direction from HHS and/or CDC.
The recipient is expected to provide to CDC copies of and/or access to COVID-19 data collected with these funds, including but not limited to data related to COVID-19 testing.

Committing NH to follow unknown future directives from the federal government is unconscionable.

The thought of quarantine and isolation orders for unvaccinated people may seem far-fetched, but that's beginning to happen in other countries. Australia has been turned into a Police State, and if you don't think Governor Sununu has that type of authoritarian mentality - you are wrong.

On October 13, 2021, Governor Sununu ordered 80 State Troopers to be present at the 10/13/21 Executive Council meeting for 150 attendees. Nine Americans were arrested for no apparent reason. Seven of those arrested were sitting quietly. One was charged with disorderly conduct for simply saying "Amen" (click here to see the charges).

None of this smells right. We don't need the federal government to direct the management of NH's affairs. We don't need armies at Executive Council meetings. There needs to be an investigation.

Feel free to email me with any questions:

Please help spread the word.

See you on Friday morning!


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