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  • Ken Eyring

Two Dubious “Extremely Rare Occurrences” in Windham's Elections

Updated: Mar 11

The Windham Incident on November 3, 2020 that produced the largest numerical discrepancy in the history of NH between an election day result and a subsequent recount exposed over a hundred violations of election laws and procedures by Windham's election officials.

Since then, Windham's election officials have continued to violate election laws and procedures in the subsequent federal election cycles. Those violations are identified in multiple reports that were written by the NH AG, NH SOS, the NH Deputy SOS and NH Assistant SOS.

But instead of taking responsibility, Windham's election officials and their friends falsely claim they are the victims of baseless accusations, and counter with nasty character assassination attacks against those who simply want accurate elections that follow the laws.

The inability of Windham's election officials to follow election laws during the November 3, 2020 election led to the dubious distinction of having an election monitor appointed for the September 13, 2022 primary. According to Secretary of State William Gardner, “the appointment of an election monitor to oversee an election in this state is an extremely rare occurrence.”

The violations of election laws in that election led to yet another election monitor appointed for the January 23, 2024 presidential primary election.

With the continued inability of Windham's election officials to follow election laws in subsequent elections, Windham has now had an unprecedented two “extremely rare occurrences” by having election monitors appointed in two consecutive federal election cycles – and Windham's election officials still failed to follow election laws and procedures in both of those elections.

The Government Integrity Project ( put together three full page ads (here, here and here) and a direct mailer to inform Windham voters of the recurring failures of Windham's election officials as identified in the multiple reports mentioned above.

Election officials and their friends falsely call them lies and a smear campaign. Honest people know it's the truth. 

Every Windham voter should download and read the reports written by NH's highest ranking law and election officials regarding Windham's elections in 2020, 2022 and 2024 from the NH AG's and SOS's offices and decide for themselves who is telling the truth... and then cast an informed vote.

Here are the ads that were posted in the local paper:


1 comentário

Los Alamos
Los Alamos
11 de mar.

The Sununu FAMILY is corrupt and are ''doing business' with many foreign countries, and are NOT registered under the "FARA Act". They own a 'Mining Operation' in "Azerbaijan" digging up rare minerals. And polluting the whole area with 'run-off'. Look up: Sununu Enterprises".

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