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IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE? NH Gov. SECRETLY Pressured State Reps to IGNORE ARRESTS of Nine Americans!

Ken Eyring

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

In order to properly frame the information provided in this article, it is important to fully comprehend what has transpired up until this point in time, beginning with October 13th and including November 1st.

The following three articles (including all of the embedded links and videos) should be read and viewed to understand the egregious actions of Governor Sununu before continuing with the rest of this article. These three articles will set the foundation for why calls are being made (including many State Reps) that Governor Sununu's actions should be investigated:

Governor Sununu abused his power on October 13, 2021 when nine Americans were arrested for no apparent reason at his Executive Council meeting. I believe this was an express violation of the NH State Constitution Article 15:

"No subject shall be held to answer for any crime, or offense, until the same is fully and plainly, substantially and formally, described to him; or be compelled to accuse or furnish evidence against himself."

As well as Article 32:

"The People have a right, in an orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their Representatives, and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.

Eighty State Troopers were present in the room to enforce this egregious act with 150 attendees present.

NH Governor Sununu abused his power on October 13, 2021 when nine Americans were arrested for no apparent reason at his Executive Council meeting. I believe this was an express violation of the NH State Constitution Article 15:

It was inappropriate for Governor Sununu to attend that meeting with the goal to win support for a coverup of his egregious actions on October 13th.

Those are not the actions of a transparent, rational, responsible governor who took an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution. Based on what took place regarding the arrests, and during the Republican Caucus, I believe Sununu should be investigated to determine if he is still qualified to hold the State's highest office. No one is above the law, and many questions need to be answered.

Related: CAUGHT ON CAMERA! Did NH Gov. Sununu Coordinate and Trigger Unfounded “POLICE STATE” Arrests? Multiple videos of the troubling 10/13/21 arrests can be viewed in this article, “Why is NH Governor Sununu NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION?” Those videos must be seen in order to fully comprehend the heavy burden/obligation the NH House has on it's shoulders.

That article and embedded videos raise deeply disturbing questions and concerns. Those concerns were escalated exponentially, when Sununu made his secret demands to Republican legislators to ignore his actions.

When some State Reps challenged him, Sununu's response resulted in attempts to embarrass, humiliate and demonize them in front of their peers. There is a saying that applies here... people who don't have facts on their side use name calling and humiliation to embarrass and discredit their opponents - in an effort to shift the focus away from themselves.

Unfortunately, it is a deceitful and very successful tactic that is used everyday - but more and more, people are waking up and think for themselves to form their own conclusions based on facts and not smears, emotion and/or intimidation.

In addition, many state legislators now see Governor Sununu's actions for what they are... an attempted cover up. They understand Sununu is putting himself and political survival over the Liberties of those who appear to have been illegally arrested. Sununu's actions highlight why many Republican Legislators believe an investigation "is necessary”, and why many are furious about what has taken place.

At best, Sununu's actions are a violation of trust, and may very well be impeachable offenses, because Sununu pressured House Reps to suppress an investigation those same House Reps are Constitutionally obligated to initiate:

Part II. Article 17. [House to Impeach Before the Senate.] states:

The house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of the state; and all impeachments made by them, shall be heard and tried by the senate.”

Part II. Article 38. [Senate to Try Impeachments; Mode of Proceeding.] states in part:

The senate shall be a court, with full power and authority to hear, try, and determine, all impeachments made by the house of representatives against any officer or officers of the state, for bribery, corruption, malpractice or maladministration, in office;...”

Speaker of the House Sherman Packard and Senate President Chuck Morse are the gatekeepers of our Constitutional checks and balances along with their respective legislative bodies. It is their moral and Constitutional obligation to protect and defend the Rights of all NH citizens. They have been entrusted with these obligations that are the bedrock of our Republic.

Even though this is an extremely challenging situation, they must not shirk their responsibilities. At the very least, there should be a public investigation!

If you watched the videos in the linked articles above, then you should also be deeply troubled. NH deserves answers regarding what took place on October 13th - as well as during the closed door caucus on November 1st. Governor Sununu knows the answers we seek to many disturbing questions that he dodges and deflects with name calling and belittling. That leads us to the obvious question: “If the Governor wants our state legislators to remain silent, then what is he hiding?”

Pressuring Republican House Reps to ignore his actions crossed the line, because it has the appearance to be an act of coercion - and therefore a form of tampering with those who would oversee his investigation. That is unconscionable - and it is unacceptable.

We the People deserve answers, especially those who were arrested for no apparent reason.

1 Comment

Nov 12, 2021

This is absolutely egregious behavior and anyone who tries to silence our elected officials is hiding the obvious. Sununu needs to be impeached and anyone who chooses to hide this violation of the constitution.

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