The Government Integrity Project will host its 3rd Meet and Greet for US Senate and CD-1 Congressional candidates this coming Monday, July 18th, at 7pm (details below)!
Our guests will be NH Senate President Chuck Morse and the GOP's 2020 CD-1 Nominee Matt Mowers. Both are running for federal office, and they will be available to share their thoughts and insights regarding why they are running - as well as the solutions they will seek if elected.
As President of NH's Senate, President Morse serves in NH's second highest elected office. This Meet and Greet is a somewhat rare opportunity for you to meet him personally, to ask questions and for you to share your thoughts and concerns.
We are also honored that Mr. Mowers will be available for you to meet him up close and personal, and to hear his plans regarding how he will address your concerns. He ran a close race against Chris Pappas in 2020 and hopes to reverse those results this time around in the 2022 General Election.
I know this is a short notice, but it took a while for the candidates to find time in their busy schedules for them to coordinate an open date. This Monday is what worked for them.
Please attend this FREE event THIS COMING MONDAY at 7pm (details below) to learn about these candidates who wish to go to Washington and serve NH.
More importantly, tell them what you will expect from them if they are elected into their respective offices - so they understand what is important to you - and NH!
